Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Scorpio, let's dive deep.

Happy autumn everyone! As I sit and write to you, I am overwhelmed by how quickly the weather has changed this season. In upstate NY, the leaves have almost completely fallen, leaving mighty tree skeletons dancing and shaking with the cold wind. It is a beautiful time of year. Mother Nature puts on a show, and takes one final bow. The celebration of color and the transition from one season into the next is most beautiful. 

On Monday, October 21st we entered the time of Scorpio, in the astrological calendar.  We will remain here until November 21st 2013. What can be expected on a cosmic and individual level? What can be done to recognize and align with the new energies present

Woof. This one is a doozy... 

Chances are, you're probably already noticing a change in your own emotional state. If you haven't, it may be easier to notice others around you. Many people have reached out asking, 

"Does anyone else notice this here? Something's happening but I just can't figure out what it is!" 

As usual, my answer immediately affirms that we all are in this together! This month's changes are exceptionally hard to deny or ignore. 

In astrology, The Scorpio zodiac symbolizes a mysterious soul. It is one who may seem very pleasant and happy, but tends to hide all of their truest feelings and fears deep inside. Scorpio is also referred to as "the deep dark rushing waters," as this sign encourages us to dive deep into the water (symbolic for our emotions) and explore what has been hidden away.  The time of Scorpio embodies this for everyone. Not just those with this zodiac sign.  

With the sun in this part of our calendar, we can expect in the coming weeks to undergo an "internal emotional investigation". Through out your day-to-day," you may notice how quickly something small may annoy or upset you in an extreme sense. Communication between close knit friends and family may stir up frustration. When something personal is addressed, it might feel like hitting a raw nerve, and cause us to respond in the most stubborn manner.  Such is the way of Scorpio. 

The energy presented here is deeply emotional, creative and sexual. Yes. Sexual. But not in the "oh yay pleasure" kind of way. If one is in an intimate relationship, they may question the foundation established with their partner. Feeling "unsupported" and "under appreciated" may be common, allowing us to feel separate from one another instead of united. 

For someone who is not in a relationship, the desire to be in one may become overbearing. This may cause one to question their capability to be im a partnership and question self-worth. "Why doesn't anyone want me?" Loneliness due to lack of communication may be prevalent to all, regardless of your relationship status. 

What we have here, can seem quite overwhelming and negative. However, if you can rise above the emotional fog you will be empowered to overcome each state under the time of Scorpio....... if that is what you choose! 

By allowing all of our "yuck" to rise to the surface, we can explore our truest and deepest sense of self.  Scorpio forces us to look at our unhealthy and deep seeded issues that would normally go unaddressed. That is why we feel like an exposed nerve. When it hurts, it HURTS! 

With less ease of communication now, we can't even reach understanding with other parties. So in turn, we are forced to look within. To revel in our deepest darkest places, and acknowledge them for what they are. 

This presents an opportunity of two choices: "Drama, or Divine."

Some time back, I sat and thought on the word drama. So many people throw it around in reference to everything and anything deemed "annoying". When I reached my conclusive thoughts on this topic I gave it my own definition.  

I have personally defined the word "drama" as "attempting to make your problem someone else's. Or someone else, trying to make their problem yours" .... Take it or leave it. :-P

As the illusion of reality continues to intensify and build, drama seems to become even more recognize able.  By participating in it, we simply allow negativity to permeate ourselves and connecting relationships. This retention of fear will continue to feed the fog of emotional confusion. 

By choosing not to participate, we opt to let it go. Letting go all thoughts, opinions, and judgement regarding the "problem". By recognizing the negative cycle of drama, we can choose to stop feeding it. Such is the way of the Divine.

When you find your mind wandering towards the dramatic, it is helpful and most necessary to recognize the thought, and say "no thank you". "I understand my position, and also yours. I am not trying to change you, or tell you that you are wrong. I love you and understand that these choices you are making are necessary for your journey to becoming a better you. I salute you, but choose to take a separate path." In doing so, all of your personal energy that had been consumed in the negativity can now be free once again. This will alleviate stress and eliminate worry. 

Scorpio has a way of unearthing our deepest untended wounds. Wounds we may not even know we have.  From my school of thought, I believe anything dark, negative, painful (etc) comes from a place of fear. Scorpio addresses these dark secrets, and shows us how to overcome them. So how do we do it?

To align, take note of your daily conversations and thoughts. If they are patterning towards selfishness, stubbornness, and gut reactions, chances are there may be some issues surfacing. If you find yourself at a stalemate with another person, this would be affirmation that indeed, this is one of your personal untended wounds. 

Naturally we want to go all Beastie boys and "FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT!" This should be a red flag! For we cannot change another person and their perception. If we seek change or improvement, we must find a way to change within. This is the way of the Divine, not the Dramatic. 

Look closely, and quietly at what's really getting to you. You may find that the real issue has disguised itself in stubbornness and self preservation. Be vulnerable enough to identify, "what am I truly afraid of here?" Be brave enough to release that fear by trusting that The All holds us lovingly, and the Universe supports us entirely. There is truly nothing to fear. :) 

Once you begin to uncover and discover small pieces of yourself, you can expect a total change in perspective. Scorpio is powerful, passionate and creative. As hard as the lower end of the sign fights to "hold in and hideaway" the higher end fights to "create, love and expand."  After allowing yourself time to heal and let go, you may find your creativity peaking. Your relationships to be rooting deeper. Your sexual passions and partnerships will become grounded and care free. Most importantly, your perception of self will transform. Allowing confidence and love for self and others in place of loneliness and fear. 

I wish each of you a beautiful autumn, while it lasts!  Hold yourself lovingly, and have patience with yourself throughout this astrologic month. 

 I hold space and send love to you on this journey within the next few weeks. I love to hear from you, and offer support whenever someone reaches out. This is the time of sister/brotherhood! I am honored to receive any and all feedback, and humbled to serve you. 

May the Force be with you. 
Betty A. Xo

Friday, October 11, 2013

ETs, UFOs, Dreams and Tarot

For the past couple months I have had some really interesting and detailed dreams regarding Aliens and UFOs on earth.  Little by little I've been describing them in brief conversation, and I find it most interesting that many other people are having them too. So....now I'm broadcasting to the public. It IS most Awkward after all... ;)

To preface, everything on this subject is merely presented as MY experiences, and interpretations. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but here is mine...

I note here that science presents the phenomenon of dreaming can only be achieved once one has reached the state of sleep known as REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). REM usually lasts 90-120minutes and occurs during the lightest portion of the sleep-wake cycle. This most often occurs in the morning. 

For those of you who claim you do not dream, or cannot remember your dreams, try to gain an extra 30minutes of sleep in the morning. REM will only occur if you have deeply rested through the night (minimum of 5-6hrs). 

The New age thinkers (Clairvoyants and intuitives alike) also believe this trance like state is when the third eye is most "awake" and open to receive messages from higher realms. It is the same dreamlike state reached by meditation.

My dreams are not recurring in the sense that they contain the same plot, place or characters. However, the situations ARE recurring. 

In brief, ETs come from UFOs breaking into the sky and earth is infiltrated with new beings. Often both are assimilated and welcome to each other. However there are always battles in the sky, and a certain type of "death" is always eminent.  

Whithin these dreams, I communicate and sometimes even "battle" against certain beings while others are seemingly "friends" or allies.

I have certain specific drawings of beings and their ships that I will draw once I  wake up, for personal notes. I encourage all of my patients and clients to keep a "dream journal" for this purpose. This morning's dream occuree between 5 and 7am EST. 

I "dreamt" of a giant air craft that was similar to a commercial jet. It looked gray in color and had emblems of red and yellow by the tail. As it emerged into the sky, it raised from the earth. In my "dream" I pointed to it and said, 

"look! It's a solar powered aircraft!" 

Indeed it had solar panels along the side of the ship, and the wings were pointed behind, instead of perpendicular to the craft. The ship raised, hovered, and began to sommersault into the sky. As it flipped and turned, the wings and tail folded up and the ship took the form of a ball. The ball in turn zipped away through the clouds. 

Other beings I have "dreamt" are posted below. Most/all drawings are dated current and go back to spring 2012. 

After so many similar dreams, and relatable sketches, I turned to my tarot deck today on a whim for interpretation. 

(Que Jimi Hendrix "Voodoo Child" aka my theme song..)

Here is the card spread which I drew, and interpretation that followed. I found it most interesting and eerily accurate. I post to share, and spark your curiosity. ;) 

"What do my dreams of UFOs and ET presence on earth signify?"

Past-  II of Swords
Balance of forces, protection and guidance. Rocky waters, tension between two forces, struggle to bring harmony.

Interpretation- ET assistance and protection through early evolution. Loss of balance between the heavens and earth.  Divine guidance and involvement, divide between the shore (earth) and the ocean (Heaven). 

Present-Wheel of Fortune
The ebb and flow of life. Death and rebirth. Sorting of darkness (serpent) and light (Anubis) Transcendence, evolution and change 

Interpretation- the "sorting" of planes. Those who choose light and inner peace will be ascending with the Anubis, experiencing prosperity and the higher dimension. Those who choose ignorance will experience death and darkness in their reality guided by the serpent into lower realms. Both will experience similar realities on varying planes. A symbolic Rapture, Divine intervention. 

Future- The Fool 
New adventure, quest for knowledge. Shedding all that is unnecessary for mobility and growth, carrying only what is necessary.  Reaching a precipice while looking skyward. Seeking purity through passion.  A youth coming into himself through means of adventure and new avenues of thought. The unforeseen journey to Self actualization. 

Interpretation- the new earth. Planetary ascension through higher guidance and ET involvement. Looking to the sky. Reaching the ledge of accepted and current ways of thinking (science and religion) in search of new beginnings and realities. A quest for higher divinity. Signifies leaving the old (popular/traditional) to acquire the new (higher conciousness). 

These were MY interpretations and notes, to clarify. Interesting, huh? ;)

Keep watching the skies, and I'll keep it Awkward!
Betty A.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What is going on lately?! New planetary energies and how it's effecting you

Are you feeling stressed? Depressed? Exhausted and overwhelmed? Are your thoughts scattered, are you seeming to be more and more forgetful?? Would you like to CHANGE things? 

It has become more and more apparent to me over the past few weeks that many people are experiencing the same "issues" lately.  Many of my clients have expressed similar concerns, and are asking the same question, 

"What is going on?!"

Hypothetically speaking, if so many of my clients are feeling this way, it is safe to assume that much if society may be in the same boat.  So what's the deal?? The answer is fairly simple, and may be slightly confusing. 

Our planet is undergoing massive reconstruction on the cosmic level. What does this mean? Simply put, new and powerful energies are emerging into our atmosphere and shaking things up on a planetary and individual level. 

Energy is a term defined as "an adequate and available source of power". Science recognizes all things as containing energy, either potential (the ability to move) or kinetic (the act of movement). All living and non living matter contains energy, this is a scientific truth. If all things contain energy, humanity and our planet contain it too. 

If we are bodies of consciousness, constantly containing and expressing energy, the idea of "new" energy being introduced into our system is almost like changing a baby from one formula to another, or a car from one fuel type to a higher grade. It's a rough adjustment! 

So why is this happening? 

Earth is currently accepting and projecting these new higher wavelengths for many reasons. Most commonly understood and accepted is the theory of planetary ascension. 

Our Mother Earth has just about had enough of our misuse and abuse, flat out. These new energies are to be like subconscious "helpers" to assist us into higher planes of thought and awareness. Causing a shift within us on a personal level, may lead to common "symptoms" such as:
-feeling frazzled
-pain in the head and chest (directly in the solar plexus and base of skull)
-feeling disorganized
-re-establishment of value systems
-contemplation and definition of "god"
-reorganization of relationships
-feeling "floaty"
-becoming lost in thought
-the desire to be more creative
-the quest to define one's self. 
-loss of sleep
-easy aggravation 
-inability to clearly communicate ones thoughts/feelings
-connecting the dots between cause and effect throughout the course of ones past
-lucid or lengthy dreams (nightly)

Can you relate? I can. So how can we fix it? 

The energy present is being experienced by our auric bodies. 

Each color represents an energy center that is usually "unseen" by the untrained eye. Each person contains these centers, which essentially filter and refine energy as it enters our magnetic field. Above is an image of a balanced energetic system. In reality, few people actually attain this balance without working on it. If the system is unbalanced, new energy cannot be refined as it enters our field and may create the symptoms listed above.  

This principle is known as energetic alignment. When one's chakras are balanced it allows an alignment with new energies instead of friction.

So how can this be attained? 

Through use of meditation, healing exercises and intuitive guidance one will be enabled to balance the auric system. In response, friction will be eliminated and inner peace may be found. This happens over the course of time, healing and perseverance. 

Many have been trained in the ways of ancient truths and ascended masters, and are known as energy workers or "healers". There has been an influx in their presence on Planet Earth over the past few decades, and more significantly in the present moment. 

Many wonder what it is that I do, and simply put, this is it. I am an energetic healer. I have been trained and practice these ancient truths.  If you are feeling any of the "symptoms" of the new energies and wish to find balance, please do not hesitate to ask! 

This is a time of awakening, awareness and ascension for our planet. Plainly stated, if you do not purposely align with the changing energy, your auric system will undoubtedly go "hay wire" and in turn, so will your life.

Reach out! Ask questions. I'll do my very best to assist and provide support. I love each one of you earthlings!! This is not about "business" but about brotherhood. 

May the force be with you. 
Betty Awkward