Thursday, October 10, 2013

What is going on lately?! New planetary energies and how it's effecting you

Are you feeling stressed? Depressed? Exhausted and overwhelmed? Are your thoughts scattered, are you seeming to be more and more forgetful?? Would you like to CHANGE things? 

It has become more and more apparent to me over the past few weeks that many people are experiencing the same "issues" lately.  Many of my clients have expressed similar concerns, and are asking the same question, 

"What is going on?!"

Hypothetically speaking, if so many of my clients are feeling this way, it is safe to assume that much if society may be in the same boat.  So what's the deal?? The answer is fairly simple, and may be slightly confusing. 

Our planet is undergoing massive reconstruction on the cosmic level. What does this mean? Simply put, new and powerful energies are emerging into our atmosphere and shaking things up on a planetary and individual level. 

Energy is a term defined as "an adequate and available source of power". Science recognizes all things as containing energy, either potential (the ability to move) or kinetic (the act of movement). All living and non living matter contains energy, this is a scientific truth. If all things contain energy, humanity and our planet contain it too. 

If we are bodies of consciousness, constantly containing and expressing energy, the idea of "new" energy being introduced into our system is almost like changing a baby from one formula to another, or a car from one fuel type to a higher grade. It's a rough adjustment! 

So why is this happening? 

Earth is currently accepting and projecting these new higher wavelengths for many reasons. Most commonly understood and accepted is the theory of planetary ascension. 

Our Mother Earth has just about had enough of our misuse and abuse, flat out. These new energies are to be like subconscious "helpers" to assist us into higher planes of thought and awareness. Causing a shift within us on a personal level, may lead to common "symptoms" such as:
-feeling frazzled
-pain in the head and chest (directly in the solar plexus and base of skull)
-feeling disorganized
-re-establishment of value systems
-contemplation and definition of "god"
-reorganization of relationships
-feeling "floaty"
-becoming lost in thought
-the desire to be more creative
-the quest to define one's self. 
-loss of sleep
-easy aggravation 
-inability to clearly communicate ones thoughts/feelings
-connecting the dots between cause and effect throughout the course of ones past
-lucid or lengthy dreams (nightly)

Can you relate? I can. So how can we fix it? 

The energy present is being experienced by our auric bodies. 

Each color represents an energy center that is usually "unseen" by the untrained eye. Each person contains these centers, which essentially filter and refine energy as it enters our magnetic field. Above is an image of a balanced energetic system. In reality, few people actually attain this balance without working on it. If the system is unbalanced, new energy cannot be refined as it enters our field and may create the symptoms listed above.  

This principle is known as energetic alignment. When one's chakras are balanced it allows an alignment with new energies instead of friction.

So how can this be attained? 

Through use of meditation, healing exercises and intuitive guidance one will be enabled to balance the auric system. In response, friction will be eliminated and inner peace may be found. This happens over the course of time, healing and perseverance. 

Many have been trained in the ways of ancient truths and ascended masters, and are known as energy workers or "healers". There has been an influx in their presence on Planet Earth over the past few decades, and more significantly in the present moment. 

Many wonder what it is that I do, and simply put, this is it. I am an energetic healer. I have been trained and practice these ancient truths.  If you are feeling any of the "symptoms" of the new energies and wish to find balance, please do not hesitate to ask! 

This is a time of awakening, awareness and ascension for our planet. Plainly stated, if you do not purposely align with the changing energy, your auric system will undoubtedly go "hay wire" and in turn, so will your life.

Reach out! Ask questions. I'll do my very best to assist and provide support. I love each one of you earthlings!! This is not about "business" but about brotherhood. 

May the force be with you. 
Betty Awkward

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