Friday, October 11, 2013

ETs, UFOs, Dreams and Tarot

For the past couple months I have had some really interesting and detailed dreams regarding Aliens and UFOs on earth.  Little by little I've been describing them in brief conversation, and I find it most interesting that many other people are having them too. I'm broadcasting to the public. It IS most Awkward after all... ;)

To preface, everything on this subject is merely presented as MY experiences, and interpretations. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but here is mine...

I note here that science presents the phenomenon of dreaming can only be achieved once one has reached the state of sleep known as REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement). REM usually lasts 90-120minutes and occurs during the lightest portion of the sleep-wake cycle. This most often occurs in the morning. 

For those of you who claim you do not dream, or cannot remember your dreams, try to gain an extra 30minutes of sleep in the morning. REM will only occur if you have deeply rested through the night (minimum of 5-6hrs). 

The New age thinkers (Clairvoyants and intuitives alike) also believe this trance like state is when the third eye is most "awake" and open to receive messages from higher realms. It is the same dreamlike state reached by meditation.

My dreams are not recurring in the sense that they contain the same plot, place or characters. However, the situations ARE recurring. 

In brief, ETs come from UFOs breaking into the sky and earth is infiltrated with new beings. Often both are assimilated and welcome to each other. However there are always battles in the sky, and a certain type of "death" is always eminent.  

Whithin these dreams, I communicate and sometimes even "battle" against certain beings while others are seemingly "friends" or allies.

I have certain specific drawings of beings and their ships that I will draw once I  wake up, for personal notes. I encourage all of my patients and clients to keep a "dream journal" for this purpose. This morning's dream occuree between 5 and 7am EST. 

I "dreamt" of a giant air craft that was similar to a commercial jet. It looked gray in color and had emblems of red and yellow by the tail. As it emerged into the sky, it raised from the earth. In my "dream" I pointed to it and said, 

"look! It's a solar powered aircraft!" 

Indeed it had solar panels along the side of the ship, and the wings were pointed behind, instead of perpendicular to the craft. The ship raised, hovered, and began to sommersault into the sky. As it flipped and turned, the wings and tail folded up and the ship took the form of a ball. The ball in turn zipped away through the clouds. 

Other beings I have "dreamt" are posted below. Most/all drawings are dated current and go back to spring 2012. 

After so many similar dreams, and relatable sketches, I turned to my tarot deck today on a whim for interpretation. 

(Que Jimi Hendrix "Voodoo Child" aka my theme song..)

Here is the card spread which I drew, and interpretation that followed. I found it most interesting and eerily accurate. I post to share, and spark your curiosity. ;) 

"What do my dreams of UFOs and ET presence on earth signify?"

Past-  II of Swords
Balance of forces, protection and guidance. Rocky waters, tension between two forces, struggle to bring harmony.

Interpretation- ET assistance and protection through early evolution. Loss of balance between the heavens and earth.  Divine guidance and involvement, divide between the shore (earth) and the ocean (Heaven). 

Present-Wheel of Fortune
The ebb and flow of life. Death and rebirth. Sorting of darkness (serpent) and light (Anubis) Transcendence, evolution and change 

Interpretation- the "sorting" of planes. Those who choose light and inner peace will be ascending with the Anubis, experiencing prosperity and the higher dimension. Those who choose ignorance will experience death and darkness in their reality guided by the serpent into lower realms. Both will experience similar realities on varying planes. A symbolic Rapture, Divine intervention. 

Future- The Fool 
New adventure, quest for knowledge. Shedding all that is unnecessary for mobility and growth, carrying only what is necessary.  Reaching a precipice while looking skyward. Seeking purity through passion.  A youth coming into himself through means of adventure and new avenues of thought. The unforeseen journey to Self actualization. 

Interpretation- the new earth. Planetary ascension through higher guidance and ET involvement. Looking to the sky. Reaching the ledge of accepted and current ways of thinking (science and religion) in search of new beginnings and realities. A quest for higher divinity. Signifies leaving the old (popular/traditional) to acquire the new (higher conciousness). 

These were MY interpretations and notes, to clarify. Interesting, huh? ;)

Keep watching the skies, and I'll keep it Awkward!
Betty A.

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